About Me

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My name is Hannah. I was born in Glasgow, Scotland. My family and I moved here when I was four years old. I grew up in Globe Miami, AZ. I love the little town I grew up in. I went to college and then met my husband at a XA Retreat for college students. So yes, I met my husband at church camp. Best place to find a husband! We have been married for 7 years and I am so happy. We have three children who are the best kids EVER. God has really blessed our lives. We attend A.J. First Assembly. We love our church and hope to stay for a long time.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

School Pictures 2008/Jeremy's Graduation 2008

Every year that we have a picture day, I take my girls with me to school and have them take their pictures. It was quite the event trying to get both girls to stand still and take a good picture, but we finally got in a good shot and went with it. Jennah and Zyannah did a great job. You look lovely my daughters!!!

Congratulations Jeremy!!!!!!! You graduated from University of Phoenix today!!!! Jeremy got is BA in Criminal Justice Administration. Jeremy put in so many hours with school and still kept a full time job and took care of his family and made lots of time for us. You are an amazing man Jeremy, inside and out. I love you so much and am proud of you! God bless you my love.

We had such a great time!!!!!